Implementing clean architecture in Go
It has been written a lot about the clean architecture. Its main value is the ability to maintain free from side effects domain layer that allows us to test core business logic without leveraging heavy mocks.
This is accomplished by writing dependency-free core domain logic and external adapters (be it database storage or API layer) that rely on the domain and not vice versa.
In this article, we’ll have a look at how clean architecture is implemented with a sample Go project. We’ll cover some additional topics such as containerization and implementing OpenAPI specification with Swagger.
While I’ll highlight the points of interest in the article you may take a look at the entire project at my Github
Project requirements
We are required to provide an implementation of a REST API to simulate a deck of cards.
We will need to provide the following methods to your API ho handle cards and decks:
- Create a new Deck
- Open a Deck
- Draw a Card
Create a new Deck
It would create the standard 52-card deck of French playing cards, It includes all thirteen ranks in each of the four suits: clubs (♣), diamonds (♦), hearts (♥) and spades (♠). You don’t need to worry about Joker cards for this assignment.
- the deck to be shuffled or not — by default the deck is sequential: A-spades, 2-spades, 3-spades… followed by diamonds, clubs, then hearts.
- the deck to be full or partial — by default it returns the standard 52 cards, otherwise the request would accept the wanted cards like this example
The response needs to return a JSON that would include:
- the deck id (UUID)
- the deck properties like shuffled (boolean) and total cards remaining in this deck (integer)
"deck_id": "a251071b-662f-44b6-ba11-e24863039c59",
"shuffled": false,
"remaining": 30
Open a Deck
It would return a given deck by its UUID. If the deck was not passed over or is invalid it should return an error. This method will “open the deck”, meaning that it will list all cards by the order it was created.
The response needs to return a JSON that would include: - the deck id (UUID) - the deck properties like shuffled (boolean) and total cards remaining in this deck (integer) - all the remaining cards cards (card object)
"deck_id": "a251071b-662f-44b6-ba11-e24863039c59",
"shuffled": false,
"remaining": 3,
"cards": [
"value": "ACE",
"suit": "SPADES",
"code": "AS"
"value": "KING",
"suit": "HEARTS",
"code": "KH"
"value": "8",
"suit": "CLUBS",
"code": "8C"
Draw a Card
We would draw a card(s) of a given Deck. If the deck was not passed over or invalid it should return an error. A count parameter needs to be provided to define how many cards to draw from the deck.
The response needs to return a JSON that would include: - all the drawn cards cards (card object)
"cards": [
"value": "QUEEN",
"suit": "HEARTS",
"code": "QH"
"value": "4",
"suit": "DIAMONDS",
"code": "4D"
Designing the domain
Since the domain is an integral part of our application we’ll start designing our system from the domain.
Let’s encode our Shape
and Rank
types as iota
. If you’re acquainted with other languages you might think of it as an enum
which is pretty neat since our task assumes some sort of build-in order so we might leverage underlying numerical value just for that matter.
type Shape uint8
const (
Spades Shape = iota
type Rank int8
const (
Ace Rank = iota
as a combination of its shape and rank
type Card struct {
Rank Rank
Shape Shape
func CreateCard(rank Rank, shape Shape) Card {
return Card{
Rank: rank,
Shape: shape,
type Deck struct {
DeckId uuid.UUID
Shuffled bool
Cards []Card
func CreateDeck(shuffled bool, cards ...Card) Deck {
if len(cards) == 0 {
cards = initCards()
if shuffled {
return Deck{
DeckId: uuid.New(),
Shuffled: shuffled,
Cards: cards,
func DrawCards(deck *Deck, count uint8) ([]Card, error) {
if count > CountRemainingCards(*deck) {
return nil, errors.New("DrawCards: Insuffucient amount of cards in deck")
result := deck.Cards[:count]
deck.Cards = deck.Cards[count:]
return result, nil
func CountRemainingCards(d Deck) uint8 {
return uint8(len(d.Cards))
At this point we may observe one of the key benefits of clean architecture: the core domain logic has no external dependencies which greatly simplifies unit-testing. While most of them are trivial and we’ll omit them for the sake of brevity, let’s have a look at those that verify whether the deck is shuffled
func TestCreateDeck_ExactCardsArePassed_Shuffled(t *testing.T) {
jackOfDiamonds := CreateCard(Jack, Diamonds)
aceOfSpades := CreateCard(Ace, Spades)
queenOfHearts := CreateCard(Queen, Hearts)
cards := []Card{jackOfDiamonds, aceOfSpades, queenOfHearts}
deck := CreateDeck(false, cards...)
deckCardsCount := make(map[Card]int)
for _, resCard := range deck.Cards {
value, exists := deckCardsCount[resCard]
if exists {
deckCardsCount[resCard] = value
} else {
deckCardsCount[resCard] = 1
for _, inputCard := range cards {
value, found := deckCardsCount[inputCard]
assert.True(t, found, "Expected all cards to be present")
assert.Equal(t, 1, value, "Expected cards not to be duplicate")
As a side note, it’s worth mentioning that in order to eliminate boilerplate assertion code we take advantage of testify library.
Providing the API
Let’s start off with defining routes.
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
r.POST("/create-deck", api.CreateDeckHandler)
r.GET("/open-deck", api.OpenDeckHandler)
r.PUT("/draw-cards", api.DrawCardsHandler)
Handlers follow the same patterns. We parse query parameters, based on them we create a domain entity, perform operations upon it, update the storage and return specialized DTO. Let’s have a look at more details.
type CreateDeckArgs struct {
Shuffled bool `form:"shuffled"`
Cards string `form:"cards"`
type OpenDeckArgs struct {
DeckId string `form:"deck_id"`
type DrawCardsArgs struct {
DeckId string `form:"deck_id"`
Count uint8 `form:"count"`
func CreateDeckHandler(c *gin.Context) {
var args CreateDeckArgs
if c.ShouldBind(&args) == nil {
var domainCards []domain.Card
if args.Cards != "" {
for _, card := range strings.Split(args.Cards, ",") {
domainCard, err := parseCardStringCode(card)
if err == nil {
domainCards = append(domainCards, domainCard)
} else {
c.String(400, "Invalid request. Invalid card code "+card)
deck := domain.CreateDeck(args.Shuffled, domainCards...)
dto := createClosedDeckDTO(deck)
c.JSON(200, dto)
} else {
c.String(400, "Ivalid request. Expecting query of type ?shuffled=<bool>&cards=<card1>,<card2>,...<cardn>")
func OpenDeckHandler(c *gin.Context) {
var args OpenDeckArgs
if c.ShouldBind(&args) == nil {
deckId, err := uuid.Parse(args.DeckId)
if err != nil {
c.String(400, "Bad Request. Expecing request in format ?deck_id=<uuid>")
deck, found := storage.Get(deckId)
if !found {
c.String(400, "Bad Request. Deck with given id not found")
dto := createOpenDeckDTO(deck)
c.JSON(200, dto)
} else {
c.String(400, "Bad Request. Expecing request in format ?deck_id=<uuid>")
func DrawCardsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
var args DrawCardsArgs
if c.ShouldBind(&args) == nil {
deckId, err := uuid.Parse(args.DeckId)
if err != nil {
c.String(400, "Bad Request. Expecing request in format ?deck_id=<uuid>")
deck, found := storage.Get(deckId)
if !found {
c.String(400, "Bad Request. Expecting request in format ?deck_id=<uuid>&count=<uint8>")
cards, err := domain.DrawCards(&deck, args.Count)
if err != nil {
c.String(400, "Bad Request. Failed to draw cards from the deck")
var dto []CardDTO
for _, card := range cards {
dto = append(dto, createCardDTO(card))
c.JSON(200, dto)
} else {
c.String(400, "Bad Request. Expecting request in format ?deck_id=<uuid>&count=<uint8>")
One of the important aspects of running software is the ability to figure out the current state of the software. Writing logs helps in that matter so we’ll add some to our code.
What to log
It is important to find a balance between writing too few logs and being too verbose and polluting log storage with excessive noisy messages. In our project, we’ll follow this advice and will treat logs as events on a service boundary. In our case, such events occur inside a domain layer when making operations with a deck. Additionally, we’ll log incoming requests on the API level to see which requests are coming in. If we’ve used real storage it would be nice to log queries generated with the debug severity but since using real storage is outside the scope of our article we’ll omit that.
Logging domain events
For logging purpose, we’ll use zap since it has logging levels, supports structured logging, and shows good results on benchmarks. With that said let’s do some logging.
func CreateDeck(shuffled bool, cards ...Card) Deck {
logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()
defer logger.Sync()
sugar := logger.Sugar()
sugar.Infow("Create deck.", "shuffled", shuffled, "cards", cards)
//omitted for brevity
sugar.Infow("Create deck completed", "deck", result)
return result
func DrawCards(deck *Deck, count uint8) ([]Card, error) {
logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()
defer logger.Sync()
sugar := logger.Sugar()
sugar.Infow("Draw cards.", "deck", deck, "count", count)
//omitted for brevity
sugar.Infow("Draw cards completed.", "result", result, "deck", deck)
return result, nil
method allows us to accept loosely typed logging with a variadic number of arguments. Then we call Infow
method to write a log message with Info severity.
Logging API
Gin framework provides logging by default but since we want to support structured logging we’ll define custom logging middleware that mimics Gin built-in logging.
func StructuredLogger() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()
defer logger.Sync()
sugar := logger.Sugar()
start := time.Now()
stop := time.Now()
latency := stop.Sub(start)
if c.Writer.Status() >= 500 {
sugar.Errorw("error", c.Errors.ByType(gin.ErrorTypePrivate).String(),
"IP", c.ClientIP(),
"method", c.Request.Method,
"status", c.Writer.Status(),
"size", c.Writer.Size(),
"path", c.Request.URL.Path,
"latency", latency)
} else {
"IP", c.ClientIP(),
"method", c.Request.Method,
"status", c.Writer.Status(),
"size", c.Writer.Size(),
"path", c.Request.URL.Path,
"latency", latency)
We register our middleware below
r := gin.New()
Defining OpenAPI specification
The way we should treat OpenAPI specification is not solely as a fancy docs generator (although it is sufficient for the sake of our article) but also as a standard for describing REST APIs that simplifies their consumption for the clients.
Let’s start off with declarative comments decorating our main method. These comments will be used later to automatically generate Swagger Specification. Here you can look up the format.
// @title Deck Management API
// @version 0.1
// @description This is a sample server server.
// @termsOfService
// API Support
// @contact.url
// Apache 2.0
// @license.url
// @host localhost:8080
// @BasePath /
// @schemes http
func main() {
// CreateDeckHandler godoc
// @Summary Creates new deck.
// @Description Creates deck that can be either shuffled or unshuffled. It can accept the list of exact cards which can be shuffled or unshuffled as well. In case no cards provided it returns a deck with 52 cards.
// @Accept */*
// @Produce json
// @Param shuffled query bool true "indicates whether deck is shuffled"
// @Param cards query array false "array of card codes i.e. 8C,AS,7D"
// @Success 200 {object} ClosedDeckDTO
// @Router /create-deck [post]
func CreateDeckHandler(c *gin.Context) {
go get -v
go get -v
go get -v
Now we’re going to generate the specification
swag init -g main.go --output docs
This command will generate needed files inside the docs folder.
The next step is updating our main.go file with the necessary imports
_ "toggl-deck-management-api/docs"
swaggerFiles ""
ginSwagger ""
url := ginSwagger.URL("/swagger/doc.json")
r.GET("/swagger/*any", ginSwagger.WrapHandler(swaggerFiles.Handler, url))
Containerizing API
Last but not least is how we are going to deploy our application. The traditional way of doing this is installing the runtime on a dedicated server and running the application over the runtime installed.
Containerization is the convenient way to package runtime along with the application which might be convenient if we want to utilize auto-scale functionality and we might not have all the needed servers with the environment installed at our disposal.
Docker is the most popular containerization solution so we’ll take advantage of it. To do so we’ll create dockerfile at the root of our project.
The first thing we’ll do is chose the runtime image we’ll base our application upon
FROM golang:1.18-bullseye
After that, we’ll copy the source into the workdirectory and build it
RUN mkdir /app
COPY . /app
RUN go build -o server .
The last step is exposing the port to the outside world and running the application
CMD [ "/app/server" ]
Now, granted Docker is installed on our machine, we can run the app with
docker build -t <image-name> .
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 <image-name>
In this article, we’ve covered the holistic process of writing clean architecture API in Go. Starting from the well-tested domain, providing an API layer for it, documenting it using OpenAPI standard, and packaging our runtime together with the app and thus simplifying the deployment process.